April 23, 2013

keeping it clean.

I don't know if I've told you this? -- we're selling the house. Yup, and it's a lot of work to keep the house clean. Have I mentioned that? Oh, only a couple billion times? Okay, I'll try to stop, then.

So, about that. Since I'm trying to keep the house clean, I've decided the little pieces of cut vegetables are just too much extra work for me right now. You know -- those little balls of green from the florets of broccoli, or those little squares of diced onion that inevitably fall off the cutting board and onto the floor when you are chopping. Yeah, those. I don't particularly feel like vacuuming those up at night after a long day of vacuuming every single crumb that these guys drop. So, we are in vegetable withdrawal (not to mention packing on the pounds -- but that's a story for another day). So, since I have no veggies, and nothing else to talk about right now (because we are still waiting), here's a really great link to cleaning and storing all sorts of vegetables from Design Mom

And to go with it, here is a picture of berries that I used on this blog almost two years ago. Because hey, berries are fruit. And fruits and vegetables are friends.
I seriously need a nap.

Or a glass of wine.  Oh, did I say "Or"? I meant "And."

1 comment:

  1. it feels like we are house sitting and we are afraid we might mess up the house when our parents come home... alas... let's get sold!!!!
