April 19, 2013

friday, phew.

I'm not sure where to begin today. There is so much going on in our lives, our home -- and in the world; holy cow! it's all too much to process. 

Last night I went to the Kindergarten orientation for Andy's would-be school if we stay in this district. First we met some of the teachers, the principal, the school nurse; then we watched a slide show of what the typical day in kindergarten looks like. And then we got to tour the classrooms. That was when it hit me. In only a few months from now, no matter where we live, Andy is going to get on the bus and ride off to kindergarten.  He will officially be a "kid." Not a baby. Not a toddler. Not a preschooler. And I cried. And so did ALL OF THE MOMS I was sitting with. Something about seeing that classroom turned us all into piles of mush. And here I go again. 

My baby is growing up, and there is not one thing I can do about it. It really is a lot to process. 

In other news, we have our first open houses this weekend -- which I am feeling good about -- but it is also overwhelming. We want the house to sell so that we can move forward; but it is scary. It's scary to leave the familiar. To know we will have a time limit to find a new house. To know we will be upending our kids. To not know anyone in the new neighborhood that we can rely on. So wish us luck. The floors are so clean you could eat off of them, even if your name isn't  Rowan or Henry!

And finally, since I had no computer over the weekend and for the beginning part of the week, I have no fun links to share. But here are some pictures of a project I finished up recently. Its a baby quilt for a good friend, and I think it's cute and happy and just what this space needs for a boost on a day like today! 

 Have a great weekend, and maybe we will have some good news to share by Monday! Fingers crossed!!!


  1. Love your baby quilt, especially the personalized label.

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I took one block from the "patch as patch can" pattern, and enlarged it to be the entire quilt!
