April 24, 2013

does this look familiar?

Are you starting to recognize the inside of our doctor's office just from the number of times you've seen it on here? Yep, we were back again this morning. And we were the talk of the office! As we walked through the halls the nurses all asked us, "Are you the bite?" "Is this the bite?" Shamefully I nodded yes, yes we are "the bite." One of my children is an animal, and one is a piece of meat.
Here's the meat. If you can call him that. I mean, he's pretty scrawny. If he had gone for Henry, at least I could understand it.

So, by now, you're probably figuring it out. Rowan bit Andy. But not only was it a bite. It was a bite that broke the skin. The kind that requires a doctor's visit. Are you kidding me???? Andy looks all smiles here, but between his flair for the dramatic, and the fact that it probably did hurt quite a bit, there was much histrionics that spanned over the course of an hour. 

I took him to a "special" lunch to reward him for the trauma he endured. We went to Dunkin' Donuts,  and he got to pick whatever donut he wanted. And sure enough, he picked the grossest, stickiest, most unhealthy looking one he could find.

 And he ate every. last. bite.

And then there's this guy. The doctor called it a "Classic Case of Middle Child Syndrome."
So, he got some special one-on-one time with Mommy today, too.  We went for a walk to look at all of the pickup trucks in the neighborhood.

And we went to the playground for a long time, where he chose to play on the toy that could have been in our backyard.

And everyone lived happily ever after.

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