May 3, 2013

friday, phew.

Today I had a date! It was a first date, actually. . . and, to say I was nervous about it ahead of time is an understatement! I find that, while I was nervous for good reason, it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, and we might -- might -- have a second date. But probably not for a while. Let me know what you think?

Here's my date when he picked me up. He's handsome, right?

But when we got to the restaurant, he acted a little odd. . . almost. . . manic. He was pouring salt and pepper all over the table. And playing with all of the sweet n low packets in a reckless, rambunctious way.

But he had good taste. He took me to a really cute old fashioned soda shop. I thought it was charming for a guy that seemed so rough-and-tumble.

He was really mesmerized by the colors on the architectural detail of the place.  At first it was cute, but then he just kept yelling out the colors "Pink!" "Green!" "Purple!" "Blue!" And after a while it went from cute to a little embarrassing. Like, I get it. . .you know your colors, dude, but settle down!

He was super-impatient waiting for our food. Which got me sort of nervous.

 Thankfully the food came and he was calm for a bit. Until he poked a hole in his water cup with his straw and water poured all over the floor. And then when I was getting napkins to clean it up, he poured my  whole water cup on the floor. That was really embarrassing.

We ended the date getting him an ice cream cone. He was fairly gentlemanly eating it, and he let me feed it to him, which again, was really nice of him.

Until he wouldn't. And then things got messy. Which is when I had to wrap it up.

So what do you think? Should I go out on a date with him again? Or should I see if he has a brother.

Here are some fun links as you think it over:

  • Here's an easy lunch recipe (made with chickpeas) that we tried and enjoyed this week (scroll to recipe #2 for the one we tried).

  • Finally, here's a risotto recipe that we cheated on and made over basic pasta instead. It was tasty and different for a change. Plus, it used some of those pretty green asparagus that are in season right now! 

Have a great weekend!

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