May 13, 2013

time for a change.

Lately it feels like we've been spinning our wheels. Since this year started, we've been caught in a pattern of waiting and no action. We waited for me to get better, then Andy, then Henry, then Andy again, then Henry, then Rowan. . .you get the point. We waited for the nicer weather. We waited to put our house on the market. Now the house is on, and we're waiting for it to sell. And all the while, we've told ourselves that we've taken as much control of the process as possible. But the truth is, we've had no control whatsoever. We've been living as if we are in a holding pattern. Waiting to act. All the while feeling like prisoners in our own house. Which has been a detrimental thought process.

So it's time to really take charge --by acknowledging that we have no control, and that things will work out in spite of that fact. So we are making some changes where we truly do have control. Within ourselves.

Change Number 1: Eating. Tom and I (not the kids) have decided to go vegetarian for six months.

Change Number 2: Guided Meditation. Nothing scary or serious. Just some relaxation techniques.

Change Number 3: Stretching and Exercise. This is a no brainer, and something we have not been doing at all lately.

We're feeling excited and optimistic, and I'm looking forward to sharing our progress with you as we go along. We're just getting started, so I'll keep you posted. I'm already learning new things!

Here's me doing crunches this morning.

Lesson #1, don't try to do crunches when the kids are around!

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