May 21, 2013


After yesterday's events I couldnt even come up with one more punishment, empty threat, or waste of breath to discipline Andy. So I told him he'd have to wait for his daddy to come home, and then he would receive his punishment. Tom decided he should write me an apology and sit and think about how he behaved. This is what he came up with, with help spelling the words, of course:

If you need a translation, it reads:

"Mommy. I am sorry. Mommy. Are sorry. I'll be better to
morrow. Mommy. On Tuesday."

That's a picture of me and him on the top. I'm sure someday I'll look back at this note and it will melt my heart. Someday.

1 comment:

  1. melt your heart? or you'll think it was a strange ransom note.
