April 30, 2013


Sorry I went missing here yesterday. The day was over before I knew it! We took Andy back to the immunologist for a followup appointment and it sort of took over the entire day. Grocery shopping at night, and before I knew it, I was in bed.

Over the weekend we had our first picnic of the season on the boardwalk of Sunken Meadow. It was a bit colder and windier than we might have liked, but it was a step in the right direction! Hope you had a lovely spring weekend as well!

April 26, 2013

friday. phew.

In fact, make that a double. This week has been a roller coaster. We received one low-ball offer the very first day the house was on the market, and we finally have closed the door on the possibility of making a deal with the potential buyer. Which we are totally okay with. We just want to see more people coming through the door and have some buzz going on this place. So far, everything we have heard has been good. The house is clean, well-maintained, well-priced. We just haven't seen the traffic we'd been hoping for. So, we just need to be patient and find our right buyer.
That last part is the hard-part.

Today was (in the words of Andy, the future weatherman) "lovely." So the boys and I walked to the pizzeria near our house to pick up slices to go. By the time we got home, Henry was famished. He was first to the dinner table (he didn't even wait for me to reheat the slices -- he had to eat). And he was the last man standing. Slow and steady. That's our hen.

 He was eating for so long, he decided to put his feet up while he finished his last few bites.

Speaking of bites, here are just some things I wished I had more time for this week, and will be revisiting over the weekend:

  • Do you dream of going to a secret supper party? I do. Tom, does not. Every now and then I try to convince him to attend something less threatening. Like this supper party that's also a cooking class. Maybe one day. . . 
Here's wishing you a happy weekend!

April 25, 2013

living in a museum.

We are not having fun. No one is having any fun. We are living in our house, but barely. There are whole rooms that are completely off limits. We barely play with anything. Because we never know when we are going to get a call for a showing. But to be honest, the calls have been few and far between. And we are growing impatient. And frustrated. And just plain grumpy. And sad.

April 24, 2013

does this look familiar?

Are you starting to recognize the inside of our doctor's office just from the number of times you've seen it on here? Yep, we were back again this morning. And we were the talk of the office! As we walked through the halls the nurses all asked us, "Are you the bite?" "Is this the bite?" Shamefully I nodded yes, yes we are "the bite." One of my children is an animal, and one is a piece of meat.
Here's the meat. If you can call him that. I mean, he's pretty scrawny. If he had gone for Henry, at least I could understand it.

So, by now, you're probably figuring it out. Rowan bit Andy. But not only was it a bite. It was a bite that broke the skin. The kind that requires a doctor's visit. Are you kidding me???? Andy looks all smiles here, but between his flair for the dramatic, and the fact that it probably did hurt quite a bit, there was much histrionics that spanned over the course of an hour. 

I took him to a "special" lunch to reward him for the trauma he endured. We went to Dunkin' Donuts,  and he got to pick whatever donut he wanted. And sure enough, he picked the grossest, stickiest, most unhealthy looking one he could find.

 And he ate every. last. bite.

And then there's this guy. The doctor called it a "Classic Case of Middle Child Syndrome."
So, he got some special one-on-one time with Mommy today, too.  We went for a walk to look at all of the pickup trucks in the neighborhood.

And we went to the playground for a long time, where he chose to play on the toy that could have been in our backyard.

And everyone lived happily ever after.

April 23, 2013

keeping it clean.

I don't know if I've told you this? -- we're selling the house. Yup, and it's a lot of work to keep the house clean. Have I mentioned that? Oh, only a couple billion times? Okay, I'll try to stop, then.

So, about that. Since I'm trying to keep the house clean, I've decided the little pieces of cut vegetables are just too much extra work for me right now. You know -- those little balls of green from the florets of broccoli, or those little squares of diced onion that inevitably fall off the cutting board and onto the floor when you are chopping. Yeah, those. I don't particularly feel like vacuuming those up at night after a long day of vacuuming every single crumb that these guys drop. So, we are in vegetable withdrawal (not to mention packing on the pounds -- but that's a story for another day). So, since I have no veggies, and nothing else to talk about right now (because we are still waiting), here's a really great link to cleaning and storing all sorts of vegetables from Design Mom

And to go with it, here is a picture of berries that I used on this blog almost two years ago. Because hey, berries are fruit. And fruits and vegetables are friends.
I seriously need a nap.

Or a glass of wine.  Oh, did I say "Or"? I meant "And."

April 22, 2013

the best things come. . .

. . . to those who wait.

And so we are.


For that offer to come.  The one that will make us say, "it's yours."

Until then, we will hang out at the library, the beach, the playground, our parents' houses, the pizza parlor, and any other place we can come up with to keep us out of the house and keep the house clean.

April 19, 2013

friday, phew.

I'm not sure where to begin today. There is so much going on in our lives, our home -- and in the world; holy cow! it's all too much to process. 

Last night I went to the Kindergarten orientation for Andy's would-be school if we stay in this district. First we met some of the teachers, the principal, the school nurse; then we watched a slide show of what the typical day in kindergarten looks like. And then we got to tour the classrooms. That was when it hit me. In only a few months from now, no matter where we live, Andy is going to get on the bus and ride off to kindergarten.  He will officially be a "kid." Not a baby. Not a toddler. Not a preschooler. And I cried. And so did ALL OF THE MOMS I was sitting with. Something about seeing that classroom turned us all into piles of mush. And here I go again. 

My baby is growing up, and there is not one thing I can do about it. It really is a lot to process. 

In other news, we have our first open houses this weekend -- which I am feeling good about -- but it is also overwhelming. We want the house to sell so that we can move forward; but it is scary. It's scary to leave the familiar. To know we will have a time limit to find a new house. To know we will be upending our kids. To not know anyone in the new neighborhood that we can rely on. So wish us luck. The floors are so clean you could eat off of them, even if your name isn't  Rowan or Henry!

And finally, since I had no computer over the weekend and for the beginning part of the week, I have no fun links to share. But here are some pictures of a project I finished up recently. Its a baby quilt for a good friend, and I think it's cute and happy and just what this space needs for a boost on a day like today! 

 Have a great weekend, and maybe we will have some good news to share by Monday! Fingers crossed!!!

April 18, 2013

you picked a fine time to leave me, lucille.

Tom went to Chicago yesterday. He was also supposed to come home from Chicago yesterday. But there were storms. Oh, were there storms. So now, we are hoping he gets here today. But he might get here tomorrow. We've had three showings so far on the house. Hoping today is a slower day but that things pick up over the weekend for the open houses. We are fall-asleep-standing-up tired.

April 17, 2013

yay! my computer is fixed!

My computer had to visit the "hospital" for the past few days because someone was a little too rough with mommy's trackpad when she wasn't looking. But we are all fixed and back to normal. . . if living in our house as if we don't really live here can be called normal! We spent the entire day away from home yesterday while the brokers' open house went on, and then some additional showings. So far things seem to be going well . . . I'll keep you posted. 

Here's Henry looking much older with his new (and long overdue) haircut:

April 16, 2013

for sale.

Please, please, please. Let this be quick.

April 11, 2013

almost ready.

Here are the pics we'll be posting on MLS as of this coming Tuesday. Yikes!!!

Let me know if you want to buy our house. . . for above-asking price, of course!

April 10, 2013

ignoring the obvious.

Today I'm not going to talk about every little problem that keeps cropping up where we least expect it, causing our heads to spin, with less than a week until our house goes on the market. Instead I'm going to show you a picture of Rowan on his scooter, enjoying this gorgeous, ant-hatching weather.