March 1, 2013

friday. phew.

My taskmaster has been keeping me on schedule with the new quilt, so we officially have a finished top. This weekend I'm hoping to finish the backing and get the whole thing basted so that I can start quilting next week!
inspecting my work.

So, here we are, the weekend again. What are your plans? We are going house hunting -- an exciting and terrifying prospect. Not sure what else is on the agenda, but to be honest, for me, that in itself is enough! Hope that you have a beautiful weekend, and I'll see you back here on Monday. 'Til then, here are this week's link loves to keep you busy:

  • Here's some great news for me! Say your goodbyes 24 months earlier than originally planned. . .

  • This guy really, really loves his Pentax 67.  And he's awesome.

  • Did you see this New York Times article? Baby dolls that look so human they could fool even Michelle Duggar. (thanks Tom!)

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