March 20, 2013

the depths of despair.

Today I had to wake Rowan up from a nap so that we could go pick Andy up from school. He was really sleeping soundly and was surprisingly pleasant, all things considered.
At first.

Then we came downstairs, where I discovered Henry had pooped. . . I mean POOPED. . . and by the time I got him all cleaned up and changed, we were running late. So, I put Henry's jacket on and I put Rowan's jacket on and all hell broke loose.

It turned out Rowan didnt want me to put his jacket on. He wanted to put it on himself. So, while I was putting Henry into the car, Rowan undressed himself and threw his hat and coat on the floor. At this point I was late. If I waited for him to put his coat back on, we'd be really late. As it was, I wound up getting severely reprimanded by Andy when I got to school. I could just imagine what would have happened if I had waited. So, I thought I'd rush and to try to make up some time. I scooped up Rowan without his jacket, strapped him in the car, and headed off to school.

And Rowan did this.
First of all, he took off his carseat straps. They were loose, since he didn't have a coat on.

What you're not getting here are the intense high-pitched shrieks he did the entire ride there. Eight solid minutes. That's because I didn't take these pictures while I was driving. I waited till we got home.

Here he's just staring at me. Daring me to take another photo.

Which I did.

He refused to look at or talk to Andy when he got in the car.

Which was probably a good thing, since Andy was just yelling at him and me and Henry for being last to pick him up.
Now, I was not the last parent there. I just want to say.  I was just last in the pickup line.
So, there you have it. That was how my day went. How was yours?

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