March 21, 2013

just the essentials.

I know I'm late to the party on this, but did you happen to see the NY Times article "Living With Less. A Lot Less"? It's one of those typical Times articles where they take one person who is doing something, and make you feel like it's the next big thing. Or in this case, small thing.

To sum it up, a really rich, young guy gave up his mega-mansion and all of it's contents to travel the world, and in doing so discovered he could live with much, much less. He now lives in a 420-square foot studio with a fraction of the belongings he once had. It's not for everyone. Like families of five. But it is thought-provoking.

Clearly, Rowan could handle living in a tiny space better than Andy.

As we have begun to pack up our current home and, hopefully, move to someplace with more space, it does force me to reconsider how much space we really do need for "us" and how much of it is for "stuff." Packing up the house we can clearly see how much stuff we have, how much we need, and how much we really don't use often enough to make it worth holding on to. It's a good reminder to buy less, to change our way of thinking so that we spend less money (and time) on things and more on experiences, and to try to live sustainably so that we leave a smaller environmental footprint.

That said, we're still moving.

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