March 7, 2013

what do you think?

I need some opinions. Please tell me what you think. If you were a cute [of course they'll be cute!], young, (probably) kid-less couple looking to buy your first home, would you be off-put by the playroom? Would it be a red flag to you that we are using our guest bedroom as a playroom?

Here's how it looks today.

Here's how it looked at the time we bought it.

What do you think? Is it necessary to convert it back to a guest bedroom to give the illusion that we have "plenty" of space in this house and we are not bursting at the seams? Would putting a twin bed in the room help? Or would that make people think we have one of our kids sleeping on the main floor by himself. Does the room need to be completely neutral and not a kids' room at all?

Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. We could really use the help! Thanks! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. you know i'm going to comment first... at the very least - we probably need to thin out the playroom. just to make the room feel bigger and photograph bigger. probably means we need to put the truck parking lot downstairs. but i'm interested to hear from others... please help!
