March 25, 2013

indoor pool misery.

When we signed the boys up for swimming, we thought it was a great thing. They would get experience at an early age in the water, learn how to swim and have less risk of (god forbid) drowning if they ever did find themselves in the water unexpectedly. But every time we start a new session of swim lessons, the same thing happens. Andy gets sick. Really sick. And then, eventually, Rowan. We have never attended a full session of swimming. Ever. In fact I'd be surprised if we've even made 60% of the lessons in each session. After two years, it was just too coincidental. So when Andy spiked a 103 fever on Saturday night (after swimming), I finally asked the doctor about my suspicion. Turns out there's lots of evidence to suggest that indoor swimming pools are directly linked to sinus infections, bronchitis and asthma in kids. Who knew? From now on, it's outdoor swim lessons only for these guys.

For more information on this issue, check herehere and here.


  1. this whole thing kills me btw... since i've been the biggest proponent of taking them and making sure they go (even if they're on the edge of sick) - i feel like i've been putting these kids are risk. ugh. worst dad.

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