March 18, 2013

the big ONE.

This weekend we celebrated Henry's birthday with our family. And while it wasn't for lack of trying, things didn't exactly go as planned. For some reason (and by "some reason" I mean "most likely because my mind is on selling our house"), things just felt chaotic and slightly out of control.

Mainly I'm referring to what happened right. around. here. Henry was eating his birthday cake and suddenly began choking on a whole strawberry that I didn't know was in the filling of the cake. I'm so thankful that everything worked out okay, but for me, it really put a damper on the day. I can't believe that could have happened right in front of me. And on his birthday. I feel like an awful mom.

But little hen recovered nicely, and for him, it's like it never happened.

 Even still, the un-forecasted snow continued to fall.

Here are some cute family pictures we took before Nanna and Papa Russ headed out. . . only to realize that they had a flat tire about three blocks from our house.

Oh, and here are the special favors I made for everyone. And forgot to give out.

So, there you have it. Henry's party is a wrap. And it was fun. It just went down with a few. . . unexpected surprises. The good thing is that Henry loves all of his new toys, he was completely content to have all of his family that he loves -- and that love him -- around to celebrate his special day. And other than the guilt that will probably stay with me until eternity, he will only think that his first birthday was filled with love and joy! 
And that is exactly how it should be! 

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